Should the 70 Be Merged With the 9? Or the 73? Or Something Else?
One of the biggest changes recently proposed by TriMet is the idea of merging the 70 and the NE portion of the 9, creating a new crosstown route connecting Milwaukie, Sellwood/Westmoreland, the inner SE, Lloyd Center, and Alberta. There is map available here. The agency must have anticipated some pushback from riders of the 9…
KBOO Bike Show Special: Active Transportation Mayoral Debate
We are privileged to have the opportunity to host an audio recording (MP3, 36.6MB) of Monday’s debate. Enjoy!
Progress at United Streetcar
One of the perks of being a member of the board of Portland Streetcar Inc. is the opportunity to occasionally inspect our new vehicles under construction. The last time I did this I had to travel to the Czech Republic. This time it was just a carpool out to Clackamas. The prototype vehicle, now outfitted…
Intended Consequences of Portland’s Restrictive Taxi Policy
While we here at Portland Transport generally stick to subjects like public transit, bicycling, and walking, the taxicab is another form of transit that can allow people the freedom to travel around at will without the burden of car ownership or the need to personally drive the car. Taxis fill an important need for those…
KBOO Bike Show: Funding, Summit
Listen to the show (mp3, 26.5MB) Steph and Tori talk with Gerik Kransky (of the Bicycle Transportation Alliance) and Chris Rall (of Transportation for America) about funding challenges at the Federal and local levels and Tara Corbin from Cycle Oregon discusses the upcoming Oregon Active Transportation Summit (April 16th and 17th in Salem).