Meet the “P Design Vehicle”
It is often said of traffic engineers that we’re an auto-centric bunch. I’m sure you’re aware of the list of sins—designing everything to minimize auto delay during the busiest 15 minutes and all that jazz. But what specific auto, pray tell, is at the centre of our auto-centrism? That would be what we in the…
A Wealth of Bike Share Technologies
Portland is awash with bike share technology. Headliner Alta Bike Share is getting ready to deploy the same dock-based technology they’ve used in DC, Boston, NY and Chicago. But there’s more action than that. Local advocate extraordinaire Kiel Johnson has designed a system for apartment complexes and out at Intel there is an open source…
KBOO Bike Show: Open Streets Movement
Listen to the show (mp3, 27.1MB) Steph and guest host Mychal Tetteh talk about the open streets movement (events like Sunday Parkways) world wide. They discuss LA’s CycLAvia with Dr. Adonia Lugo and talk with a number of organizers and participants in Portland’s Sunday Parkways.
“Going Dutch:” What Portland Can Learn from the World’s Cycling Capitol
It’s been something of a trend lately for Portland bike enthusiasts to travel to the Mecca of bicycling—the Netherlands—and come back full of energy and ideas for improving the bikeability and livability of our city. For the past three summers, Portland State University’s civil engineering program has offered a class exploring the Dutch civil infrastructure,…
Post-CRC Transit: Time for (Real) Commuter Rail?
If the Columbia River Crossing mega-highway and light rail project is actually dead, a question arises: what are we to do to address mobility across the river, especially when it comes to high(er) capacity public transportation? Without the CRC, opportunity to improve transit to Clark County, Washington remains limited at best. The likelihood of a…