Category: Modes

  • KBOO Bike Show: Advocates

    Listen to the show (27 MB) Alon interviews Portland “Citizen Activist” Chris Smith and Nedra talks with Bike Walk KC Policy Director Michael Kelley. Both have a long history of transportation advocacy and both have attempted runs at political office as part of their advocacy.

  • KBOO Bikeshow: Leadership and Urban Geography

    Listen to the show (26.4 MB) In the first half of the show our guest is Karen Frost, long-time Portland bicycle activist and the first Executive Director of the Bicycle Transportation Alliance. In the second half of the show Nedra speaks with Atlanta  urban geographer Neill Davis whose work is at  the intersection of education, transportation, planning, and sustainability.  

  • KBOO Bike Show: Subatomic particles and bicycle friendly communities

    Listen to the show (24MB) In the first half of the show our guest  was Dr. Monica Dunford, physicist involved with the discovery of the Higgs boson particle and an ardent cyclist . In the second half Amelia Neptune of The League of American Bicyclists spoke of the Bicycle Friendly America program she heads.

  • KBOO Bike Show: Journalism and Blues Music

    Listen to the show (26MB) In the first half Alon speaks with Jeff Mapes, a retired Oregonian and OPB reporter and author of Pedaling Revolution, How Cyclists Are Changing American Cities. The guest in the second half is blues musician and historian (author of Blues Traveling: The Holy Sites of Delta Blues) Steve Cheseborough who…

  • KBOO Bike Show: Public health advocacy and hand-cycling

    Listen to the show In today’s show Nedra Deadwyler speaks with Elizabeth Ragan. Currently a White House Fellow, Ms. Ragan was chosen for her contributions to the COVID-19 pandemic response  and expanding vaccine accessibility in Massachusetts. She is also an avid cyclist and strong advocate for health equity and for adaptive cycling.