Category: Modes

  • KBOO Bike Show: Belgium to D.C.

    Listen to the show (23 MB) Alon interviews Belgian children’s book author Gunter Segers about his non-fiction book Hélène Dutrieu, de vrouw die door de Olympia vloog (Hélène Dutrieu, the woman who flew through the Olympia) about pioneering cycling champion, stunt rider and aviator Hélène Dutrieu. Nedra speaks with Elliott Caldwell of the East Coast…

  • KBOO Bike Show: Scooters and Skateboards

    Listen to the show (25 MB) This month’s show focuses on two other forms of micromobility. Alon talks with Portlander Rocks Zayda,  Spanish language translator and tutor, who rides a scooter. In the second half Nedra speaks with Max, activist and  program director at Atlanta’s non-profit Village Skatepark ATL. 

  • KBOO Bike Show: Activism and Community in Toronto and Portland

    Listen to the show (26 MB) Alon speaks with Yvonne Bambrick, Toronto community activist and author of The Urban Cycling Survival Guide. In the second half, Nedra interviews Armando Luna, a mainstay of the Portland cycling community

  • KBOO Bike Show: Birds, Recovery and Olympia, Washington

    Listen to the show (26 MB) Our guests are Dorian Anderson, author of Birding Under the Influence- Cycling Across America in Search of Birds and Recovery, and Kim Turner, an Olympia, Washington bike mechanic and high school bike repair teacher who also hosts a queer and trans bike clinic and rides.

  • KBOO Bike Show: Seattle

    Listen to the show (26 MB) In today’s show we focus on Seattle, Washington, with guests Tom Fucoloro, author of  Biking Uphill in the Rain: The Story of Seattle from Behind the Handlebars (University of Washington Press)  and Yasir Alfarag, activist and urban planning graduate student.