KBOO Bike Show: Scott Larkin and His Bike Zine
Scott Larkin and his bike zine.
KBOO Bike Show: Chicago Bike Ambassador
A representative of the Chicago Bike Ambassadors explains the program.
KBOO Bike Show: Myth Busters
Listen to the show (mp3, 12.7M) Guest Amy Stork co-hosts with Ayleen. Myth Busters – Dispelling myths that keep people from riding. Mike Rasmussen on how cycling improved his health.
KBOO Bike Show: Former Portland Bike Coordinator Mia Birk
Listen to the show (mp3, 12.7M) A favorite! Guest Mia Birk, a long-time Portland bike advocate, former City of Portland Bike Coordinator and current transportation planner discusses the evolution of cycling facilities in Portland along with future opportunities to improve cycling conditions.
KBOO Bike Show: PeaceBike Project and Winter Gear
Guest host Tim Calvert from City Bikes Tad Beckwith – PeaceBike Project Bike Lights and Winter Gear Biking in Vancouver, BC