Why Doesn’t “Share the Sidewalk” Work?
America is an entitlement society. Unlike European – or even more strikingly, Asian culture – we don’t share. We don’t cooperate. Every special interest group has their own identity and expects their own separate but equal facility. Non-transport example: look at how Portland solved the dogs in parks problem. Not by getting dog owners and…
The Ultimate in Low Energy Mobility
Of course, getting there without going anywhere is the ultimate in mobility. The effort to get a City-wide WiFi Cloud is having a public workshop on July 28th.
How Fast Is That Streetcar Anyway?
The perception has been shared here and elsewhere that the Streetcar is slow. Some have even gone so far as to suggest that a person walking can keep up with the Streetcar. First we need to look at the purpose the Streetcar was constructed for. It was designed to be a circulator in the city…
Path to Platinum Biking
Over at www.commissionersam.com, Sam Adams has asked what it would take to make Portland the first Platinum biking city in the U.S. Today, two Portland Transport contributors who are very close to Portland’s bicycle program share there thoughts on what taking it to the next level might look like. This post is NOT open for…
Free the Bike!
I attended last year’s ceremony where the League of American Bicyclists (LAB) presented Portland the “Gold” award for best American bike City. Commissioner Adams (great that he landed the Portland Office of Transportation (PDOT) assignment!) has said he doesn’t think this is good enough. He wants us to be “Platinum”, a level the LAB has…