In Defense of Rail Transit
Rail transit is regularly criticized, including by some commenters on this site, as cost-ineffective with respect to buses or other modes, particularly with respect to reducing congestion.. VTPI has recently produced an overview of the literature on the benefits of trail transit (PDF, 36K).
Eastside Streetcar Gets a Little More Real
Update: 06 July 2006: The tour continues – yesterday Portland City Council unanimously approved the locally preferred alternative. But apparently the Milwaukie delegation had visited earlier with their “don’t forget us” message. Commissioner Adams pledged to work to make both projects happen. Update: 30 June 2006: The tour of local governments to approve the Eastside…
KBOO Bike Show: Biking Through Laos and Sharing the Road
Listen to the show (mp3, 12.6M) Sara is joined by guest host Tim Calvert (of tall-bike commuting fame) and guests Carie and Allan Cougar – who tell us all about their recent month-long bike trip through Laos with their 2 yr. old cougar cub, Cody Wyoming. And in celebration of Portland’s ongoing campaign and the…
Bikes and Commuter Rail
A reader passes on this article about a commuter rail coach designed specifically to accomodate cyclists and their bikes. The MBTA will put this in service for weekend trips from Boston to popular recreational destinations. Perhaps we could hook one on to the Wine Train?
Trails Strategy Posted
Update 4 July 2006: Two nice pieces in the Trib this morning about the trails plan: one on the overall system, one on the North Portland trail. Original Post 22 June 2006: From the BTA Blog, Portland Parks and Rec has posted their Trails Strategy (PDF, 1.5M) and will present it to City Council on…