Freeway Discussion at Bike Portland
Over at BikePortland.org, there’s an interesting discussion going on about repurposing some of the asphalt in our region. I encourge you to check it out and join the discussion there.
Mayor Puts Himself in Harm’s Way
Mayor Potter was one of the decoys for yesterday’s pedestrian enforcement action on 10th Ave near the downtown YWCA. You can get the Mayor’s perspective on his blog, and a video clip at KGW. 27 citations for failure to yield ($242) were issued along with 21 other citations and one warning.
Sport Columnist Conflates Streetcar, Trailblazers
I wouldn’t even have seen it if a reader had not e-mailed me a link, since I don’t regulary read the sports page, but yesterday Dwight Jaynes’ commentary in the Portland Tribune suggests that the “keep Portland wierd” foks are winning, wondering when we’ll stop building Streetcars and start rattling Paul Allen’s cage about keeping…
Check Out another Aspect of Transportation
When’s the last time you had a chance to see what goes on at a river port? Here’s a unique opportunity: Seaport Celebration at Terminal 6 Discovering Industry on the River, Saturday August 26th from 10:30am-2:00pm Seaport Celebration–Discovering Industry on the River Take a tour, watch a video, listen to pirate band Captain Bogg and…
Upcoming Crosswalk Enforcement Action
MEDIA ADVISORY What: Press event for Pedestrian Crosswalk Enforcement Action Where: Mid-Block crossing in front of Elm Ct. YWCA, 1111 SW 10th Ave. When: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 9:30 – 10:00 a.m. press event 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. pedestrian crosswalk enforcement action Dakota InyoSwan Senior Community Outreach and Information Representative Portland Office of Transportation 1120…