Category: Modes

  • Mall Bus Stop Relocations

    TriMet has released the detailed locations of bus stops relocated for the Transit Mall reconstruction starting in January.

  • Updated: Mega Ships

    Update: 10/26/06 The New York Times reported this week that the electorate in Panama has voted by a wide margin to approve $5B+ to widen the canal. Original Post: 10/11/06 Having just reviewed The Box about containerization, I’m probably a little over-sensitized to container shipping issues, but the article in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal (“Giants…

  • Sellwood Bridge Meeting Tomorrow

    The first public open house for the SellwoodBridge project will take place on Wednesday, October 25 from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Oaks Park Dance Pavilion, located at 7100 SE Oaks Park Way. More details…

  • Shoot, Ready, Aim

    I’m a big fan of curb extensions, for their benefits to pedestrians, cyclists and (sometimes) parking. So I’m delighted that several are being added to NW 21st Avenue as part of the bikeways and pedestrian safety programs. But I was aghast last Friday to see that some genius had decided to construct the extensions at…

  • Washington County Commuter Rail Groundbreaking celebration!

    Update: 10/22/06 Jim Mayer has a piece in the Oregonian this morning that explores in detail the issues of operating on the freight line. Original Post: 10/20/06 MEDIA ADVISORY Washington County Commuter Rail Groundbreaking celebration! Oct. 25th event at Tigard Transit Center After 10 years of planning, the 14.7-mile Washington County Commuter Rail Project will…