KBOO Bike Show: BikePortland.org
Listen to the show (mp3, 13.2M) BikePortland has created a forum for people of all bikey stripes to come together and talk about issues, share information and culture. People may not always agree, but I think that’s a very good thing. Jonathan talks about the success of his site, how he has filled a niche…
Coming Up on the KBOO Bike Show: Blogging
New KBOO Bike Show Collective member Tori Bortman will host with Ayleen. They will interview Jonathan Maus from BikePortland.org, the world’s most popular bike blog. 9-10AM, Wednesday, January 3rd KBOO FM 90.7 Streamed live at KBOO.fm Podcast here later that day
Streetcar Options in LO
The Lake Oswego transit alternatives analysis hasn’t settled on a mode yet, but if Streetcar comes up as the winner, there are going to be some interesting choices for how to terminate the alignment. In any case, the Streetcar will help spur development in the Foothills district between Highway 43 and the Willamette. There are…
Next Round of Public Input on Columbia River Crossing Starts
As we’ve discussed, the staff recommendation (PDF, 1.8M) for the Environmental Impact Statement phase of the analysis of the Columbia River Crossing product is to look at two options (in addtion to the “no build” do nothing option which is required by Federal rules): Replacement Freeway Bridge with Light Rail and Replacement Freeway Bridge with…
What’s the Utility of a Train/Bus Hybrid?
Two different readers forwarded me links to this train/bus hybrid vehicle being introduced by JR Hokkaido. On of them was Adron, who blogged about it at his site. So it seems to me that we now have a variety of design choices for transit system, divided along several dimensions: Dedicated right-of-way (e.g., LRT, BRT) versus…