Category: Freight

  • Connect Oregon III Hands Out $97M

    Mostly to freight projects, with some transit and a few aviation projects.

  • Slow Adoption Curve for Electric Truck Stops

    Apparently truckers like plugging in their big rigs once they try it, but getting trial is a little tricky.

  • How Smart Can a Truck Get?

    Portland State University Center for Transportation Studies Winter 2009 Transportation Seminar Series Speaker: Robert DeKoning, President and CEO, Routeware, Inc. Topic: 21st Century Smart Truck and Smart Back Office Technologies When: Friday, February 6, 2009. 12:00 – 1:00pm Where: PSU Urban Center Building, SW 6th and Mill, Room 204

  • Updated: Rail/Road Math

    Update, 10/22/08 OK, I admit that the framing of my question was very local-centric without considering the full path of a freight trip. But a reader passed along an interesting article that suggests that this can still be successfully managed in a sleepy little rail town called Chicago. Original Post, 10/20/08: Jim Young, chair of…

  • Where Do We Put the Trucks?

    A couple of years ago, PDOT went through the exercise of developing a Freight Master Plan for the City of Portland. Metro is now going through similar exercise. I testified before City Council in favor of the plan, believing that a clearly articulated system of where trucks should be for what purposes was a good…