TriMet considers Bus Rapid Transit
The latest update of TriMet’s Transit Improvement Plan contains an interesting development: TriMet is considering Bus Rapid Transit on two corridors: • A corridor from downtown Portland to Gresham, generally following Powell Blvd from downtown to around SE 82nd or I-205 and Division St east of SE 82nd or I-205 • A corridor generally following…
ODOT to close 82nd Avenue bus lane for safety reasons?
ODOT is considering getting rid of the bus lane on SE 82nd Avenue, between Monterey and King, for safety reasons.
Is the Yellow Line the best rapid transit connection to Vancouver?
While the CRC and its design remain a topic of hot controversy, one of the key design elements is the extension of light rail, specifically the Yellow Line, into Vancouver. Many in Portland insist on it. Many in Vancouver are just as opposed, considering light rail an expensive boondoggle. Currently, the only through services between…
Thinking about solutions for the Beaverton-Wilsonville corridor
A discussion of possible solutions to the Beaverton/Wilsonville corridor.
A performance-based comparison of different transit technologies
A table summarizing the performance of several different bus and rail transit services around the world.