Category: Bus

  • Serendipitous Transit Center

    A silver lining in every cloud… Due to the sewer and street reconstruction on NW 23rd the #15 bus has been re-routed down NW 21st. While annoying, this has temporarily created something that I’ve always though NW needed: a transit center. Four transit lines pass next to Good Samaritan Hospital but don’t actually meet in…

  • Another Look at Portland’s Transit Stats

    Promoted from the Open Thread: Jarrett at has another interesting and provocative post on Portland. Hat tip to EngineerScotty.

  • Almost Official: Barbur’s Next

    From Metro: On Wednesday, Dec. 17, the High Capacity Transit Subcommittee agreed to recommend the Barbur Boulevard corridor as the next regional priority to advance to high capacity transit project development. Project development will determine the HCT option, light rail, bus rapid transit or rapid streetcar, in the vicinity of Barbur Boulevard that will offer…

  • How Frequent is Frequent?

    A piece at Human Transit underscores the question: if TriMet drops frequency on it’s “Frequent Service” routes to 17 minutes (the standard TriMet had defined was 15 minutes) are they still frequent?

  • Can We Get a Little Help Here?

    Above are two photos of the little signage frames that TriMet puts on bus stop poles when there is no shelter or other opportunity for larger signage. In the first case, the frame is empty, although someone has helpfully scratched the Transit Tracker ID number onto the glass. In the other, there is an update…