To Wave or Not to Wave?
Randy Gragg has a nice post over at Portland Spaces on the two alternative designs for the Transit/Ped/Bike bridge proposed for the Milwaukie Light Rail project.
Oregonian Highlights Transit Bridge Designs
An article in Wednesday’s O shows concepts for three different design variations for the transit bridge proposed as part of the Milwaukie Light Rail project. I’m not an architect, what do readers thinks?
Know Your Bridges
Passed on by a reader, this site lets you find out the structural rating of all the bridges along a given route.
Metro managing all the bridges?
The City of Fairview has passed a resolution requesting that Metro coordinate the repairs on all the Willamette River bridges including the Sellwood bridge:
Town halls to focus on funding for bridge repairs
Multnomah County has scheduled a series of town hall meetings to present information on the condition of its Willamette River bridges and a proposal to fund their repair. County Chair Ted Wheeler will share information on the county’s 20-year capital shortfall of $490 million for its six bridges across the Willamette. Bridge repair needs range…