Category: Bikes

  • Cost of Cycling

    There’s an interesting post over at guest written by Paul Smith, the new head of the planning section in PDOT. He talks about the gripe of some drivers about “all the money that goes to cyclists”. Paul then goes on to look at the actual portion of the PDOT budget focused on cycling, and…

  • A Different Kind of Congestion

    Yesterday was a big travel day: from home to Wilsonville, back up to Hayden Island for the Columbia Crossing Open House and then to the Lloyd District for a economic development presentation. All accomplished by bike and bike-on-transit. But not without some challenges. Catching the #96 down to Wilsonville, three of us wheeled up our…

  • KBOO Bike Show: The Artistic Side of Bike Culture

    Hosts Sara and Ayleen celebrate the artistic side of local bike culture with live music by the bike band the Trash Mountain Boys and guest Joe Biel from Microcosm Publishing. Joe has been distributing his zines by bike since 1996 and helps distribute bike- themed zines, stickers and patches.

  • Another Marker for Platinum

    So you have to be either really compulsive or a political junkie (I hope I’m just the latter) to make a point of reading Willamette Week’s “web only” murmers every Wednesday, but the reward this week was to discover that three of Portland’s very own are among the top 100 bike retailers in the counry.

  • My Trip: Cycling in the Burbs

    It seems like a lot of the long trips I make these days have to do with medical care (happily not too often). Either I’m seeing a specialist who is located somewhere in the burbs, or in the case of my annual physical, I’m trekking out to Washington County. Few of my Portland friends know…