Google Controls the Value of Your House
This complaint off the Google Transit e-mail list today: The walk score of the homes in Great Neck are artificially low in www.zillow.com which is a home valuation web sitedue to the fact that the MTA or the LIRR trains do not provide them with the transit data. This has depressed the home prices in…
Walk Score Adds Transit
The good folks at walk score have added transit access as one of the scoring criteria – at least in those cites like Portland that have Google Transit feeds. I’m happy to report that being 0.16 miles from the Streetcar line has driven my walk score up to 98 (aka “Walker’s Paradise”)! They also now…
Capping I-5
No, not in Portland. In Vancouver.
Metro Releases RTP Draft in Context of a Fixed UGB
Metro Chief Operating Officer Michael Jordan released his recommendations for Metro’s Greatest Place plan (a combination land use and transportation planning effort). This is a formality, the COO recommendation is in fact the synthesis of work done by staff and approved by advisory committees of elected officials (JPACT and MPAC). The plan is unique in…