Category: Fuels

  • Biofuels Moving Through Legislature

    According to Friday’s Daily Journal of Commerce, two bills with tax credits and incentives have cleared the House and are headed for the Senate. There’s a follow-up this morning.

  • WSJ on Electric Vehicles

    Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal had two nice pieces on electric vehicles: Thrifty Electric Car Turns On One Town Electric Cars Gather Speed I’m looking forward to NEVs becoming a regular site on our streets. Perhaps Flexcar can add a few to the fleet.

  • Debate on Cleaner Coal Continues

    From yesterday’s New York Times (“Cleaner Coal is Attracting Some Doubts“). My favorite phrase from the article is “capture ready” to describe a power plant design. Sort of like an HDTV-ready TV set. I think I’d like to hold out for power plants that actually capture the carbon…

  • Electric Bikes on Oregon Roads

    A fun article in Tuesday’s Trib on electric-assist bikes. An interesting assertion in the article is that when in powered mode, such bikes can’t be in the bike lane. Is this true? Is it good policy?

  • Biofuels Expert Visits Portland

    Libby Tucker interviews Josh Tickell, author of “From the Fryer to the Fuel Tank,” in the Daily Journal of Commerce. Just a taste: Tucker on the food vs. fuel debate about use of farmland: What are we going to do when it’s food versus fuel? The United States has 60 million acres of fallow cropland…