Biofuels Moving Through Legislature
According to Friday’s Daily Journal of Commerce, two bills with tax credits and incentives have cleared the House and are headed for the Senate. There’s a follow-up this morning.
WSJ on Electric Vehicles
Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal had two nice pieces on electric vehicles: Thrifty Electric Car Turns On One Town Electric Cars Gather Speed I’m looking forward to NEVs becoming a regular site on our streets. Perhaps Flexcar can add a few to the fleet.
Debate on Cleaner Coal Continues
From yesterday’s New York Times (“Cleaner Coal is Attracting Some Doubts“). My favorite phrase from the article is “capture ready” to describe a power plant design. Sort of like an HDTV-ready TV set. I think I’d like to hold out for power plants that actually capture the carbon…
Electric Bikes on Oregon Roads
A fun article in Tuesday’s Trib on electric-assist bikes. An interesting assertion in the article is that when in powered mode, such bikes can’t be in the bike lane. Is this true? Is it good policy?
Biofuels Expert Visits Portland
Libby Tucker interviews Josh Tickell, author of “From the Fryer to the Fuel Tank,” in the Daily Journal of Commerce. Just a taste: Tucker on the food vs. fuel debate about use of farmland: What are we going to do when it’s food versus fuel? The United States has 60 million acres of fallow cropland…