Your Questions For Neil, “Round 5”, Part 4 – Potpourri
And now, the final segment of our video interview with TriMet’s Neil McFarlane. This episode, “Potpourri”, featuring a variety of your questions. Topics include: Bikes on MAX cars – are there ways to add capacity? Bike parking and bikeshare at MAX stations TriMet’s take on carbon emissions – what will it take to get to…
Eleven Reasons Portland Transport readers should come to the 2013 Weston Awards.
Hey, folks! My name is Aaron Brown, and I’m currently serving as Board President of Oregon Walks, the state’s pedestrian advocacy organization that’s been busy working to make streets safer for walking in the state since 1991. I’ll ask you to please excuse my remarkably obnoxious, buzzfeedesque title and format of this article, but I really wanted to…
Building Biker’s Paradise – and the Rest of Portland
Late last year, I was on a podcast talking about the Comprehensive Plan update and was asked about tips for where the best places to live in the future would be. Intuitively I answered “inner SE and inner NE are going to get even more awesome”. Last week, my intuition got validated by some data.…
Inaccessible Accessibility: low-income households and barriers to the “new American dream”
Speaker: Arlie Adkins, PhD Candidate in Urban Studies, PSU Topic: Inaccessible Accessibility: Low-Income Households and Barriers to the “New American Dream” In many ways, the resurgence in demand for housing in highly accessible and walkable neighborhoods can be viewed as a triumph of planning and policy efforts to reinvest in walkable urban neighborhoods that support…
Sharing the Benefits
One of the keys to equity in transportation investments is to make sure that all sectors of a society share in the benefits. For cycling, one of the best looks at this is the Community Cycling Center’s “Understanding the Barriers to Cycling” report (PDF). It looks at the very specific needs of different groups. For…