When Did We Acquire Another Car-Sharing Provider?
I snapped these last week. I’ve seen two or three of these downtown. The web site lists about a dozen locations in Portland. But I haven’t seen any kind of announcement or publicity from either the vendor or the City. Kind of strange.
Designing a Car-Free Community
From the NY Times, a suburb in Germany that has consciously created a car-free community. It runs on bikes and trams (streetcars)!
Car Still a Necessity, Even in Recession
Via Planetizen. According to Pew research, cars are more of a necessity than TVs, cell phones, or pretty much any other major purchase.
A Year without a Car
A nice guest op-ed on OregonLive.com. Living without owning a car is not a death sentence and doing it successfully is not rocket-science either.
Great Program, Great Jobs
After last summer’s successful Sunday Parkways event, there will be three events this year (release below). And they’re hiring event coordinators: Job Announcement – Sunday Parkways Short Term Volunteer Coordinators The City of Portland Transportation Options is looking for 4 coordinators short term from May 14 to August 19 to help train and manage volunteers…