Upcoming Jarrett Walker talks in Oregon
Well-known transportation planning consultant (and native Portlander) Jarrett Walker, who wrote the book Human Transit: How Clearer Thinking about Public Transit Can Enrich our Communities and our Lives, and authors the blog Human Transit, will have two speaking engagements in Oregon. The first, down in Lane County, will be entitled “Eugene-Springfield Transit: What are the…
May 2012 Open Thread
A few interesting news items and reminders. Primary election is May 15. While we can’t endorse candidates, we can point you to Portland Afoot’s low-car voters guide. AROW (Active Right of Way) has a voters guide as well. TriMet’s Washington Park Shuttle service starts May 5. A Brookings Institute study links exclusionary zoning to school…
TriMet publishes proposed FY13 budget
TriMet has published its proposed FY13 budget. I’ll peruse it a bit more myself later tonight, but a few observations courtesy of OPAL after the jump (sorry, Facebook access required for the OPAL link).
Crime cars and crime roads
The statistics are staggering. According to a study conducted in the 1990s over a six-year period, over 200 Americans were killed and over 12,000 injured were documented in over ten thousand road rage incidents. These statistics only count documented road rage incidents, where a police report and/or insurance claim was filed; countless other instances of…
How do we define “success”?
I’ve harped quite a bit on the importance of understanding TriMet’s mission, and so will now ask a related question: How do we define “success”? Cascade Policy Institute recently wrote an article claiming that only 7% of attendees at a recent performance of a Cirque du Soleil show at the Expo Center arrived via MAX.…