Author: rburkholder

  • The Real Cause of Congestion?

    Jonathan Schlueter of the Westside Economic Alliance passed out some interesting information at this month’s transportation committee meeting, showing the increase in motor vehicle registration over the past 30 years. In 1975, there were about 2.3 million people living in Oregon. They owned about 386 Thousand cars. That’s one vehicle for every 6 people. In…

  • Oil Supply Uncertainty

    The rising demand for and declining supply of oil will likely have tremendous impacts on land use and transportation planning efforts in the Portland region for decades to come. This will be an issue of ongoing concern to Metro as we work with the public, businesses and other governments to shape regional transportation planning and…

  • I-5 to 99W Connector Project Steering Committee studies ways to improve traffic movement in the area

    Excerpted from Rex’s April newsletter: Regional and local transportation officials have recognized the need for a connection between I-5 and Hwy. 99W for more than a decade. Traffic demand in the southwestern portion of the region has grown substantially, leading to increasingly congested conditions. Metro Councilor Carl Hosticka serves on the I 5 to 99W…

  • This is Depressing

    Rex passes this along from the SHIFT list: The scientific uncertainty in global warming isn’t about whether it’s occurring or whether it’s caused by human activity, or even if it will “cost” us too much to deal with it now. That’s all been settled. Scientists are now debating whether it’s too late to prevent…

  • What Does Health Got to do with it? Metro’s Relationship to Health

    The Portland region is often commended for it’s smart growth and planning. Benefits of our planning efforts have resulted in a range of transportation options, access to parks and greenspaces, and livable and walkable neighborhoods, to name a few. An often overlooked, yet important benefit is the positive impact that our planning efforts have on…