More on Peak Oil
The New York Times Business Section had a long and interesting article a few weeks ago on oil consumption in the US. The Oil Uproar That Isn’t A few interesting quotes: The most visible element of this new equation is that relative to demand, oil is no longer in plentiful supply. The time when we…
I Play One in the Movies
While I am leery of whole celebrity-as-expert phenomena (look south in fear of the Governator!), actor Tom Hanks does a great job here presenting the simple choices that we CAN make that can make a big difference. As in many things—energy efficiency, water conservation, family amity—small actions can bring about big changes. Read Tom Hanks’…
Movie Review: End of Suburbia
Going to a movie is something I rarely do — public life doesn’t leave too many nights free and frankly I’d rather spend time with the family or a good book than risk most Hollywood fare. But last Wednesday I went to a screening of End of Surburbia put on by a newly formed group…
Another Metro Councilor Lays Out a Vision
What do global warming, the end of “cheap oil” and the Legislature’s refusal to raise gas taxes the 12th session in a row have in common? Together they are creating the perfect storm for transportation as we know it. Storms sink most boats but they also give rise to great surfing for those who anticipate…