Author: jhowell

  • Putting the Ferry Back in Taylors Ferry

    Jim Howell of AORTA passed on this proposal they have forwarded to the Sellwood Bridge task force. April 16, 2007 To: Sellwood Bridge Citizen Task Force and Policy Advisory Group From: Jim Howell Re: Bridge Concepts It might be seven to ten years before the Sellwood Bridge is repaired or rebuilt. In the meantime traffic…

  • Death, Taxes and Congestion

    Update 19 Jul 2006 A little more data on this. According a post at Price Tags, British Columbia is actually reducing its VMT (it’s actually KMT up there). Original Post 17 Jul 2006 Even the folks suggesting we consider spending an extra $6B on transportation tell us that congestion can only be slowed, not reversed.…

  • AORTA Testimony on Eastside Transit

    Delivered May 10th at the public hearing on the Eastside Transit Alternatives Analysis. AORTA asserts that all reasonable alternatives for an eastside circulator have not been fully analyzed. The Draft Evaluation Report states in Chapter 2, regarding the No-Build Alternative (page 2-1 paragraph 4), “A ‘best bus’ alternative with further bus system enhancements would not…

  • AORTA Continues to Engage FTA

    AORTA isn’t standing down in its critique of the Transit Mall design. Here are their rebuttal to TriMet’s points (PDF, 48K) and a follow-up letter to the FTA (PDF, 52K).

  • CRC Week: AORTA Response

    AORTA’s critique of the Columbia River Crossing Draft Components Step A Screening Report (March 22, 2006) The report claims the Non-Freeway Multi-Modal Columbia River Crossing (Figure 5-23) failed component screening questions Q.1, Q.3, Q.4 and Q.6, assumes “it is not feasible to raise the existing I-5 Bridges” and recommends dropping commuter rail from further consideration.…