Cheesy but Informative
Our good friend and PDOT safety guru Greg Raisman asked us to post a link to PDOT’s new video explaining how bike boxes work. [Greg is the informative driver in the video :-) ] See it here: http://media.ci.portland.or.us/onthemovesmooth/onthemovesmooth.html
European Traffic Photos
Geek Alert! Portland Transport reader (and PDOT safety guru) Greg Raisman just returned from a European vacation, where his wife was tolerant enough to let him take a LOT of pictures of traffic patterns in different cities. Check it out on Flickr.
How Will Portland Implement Measure 37
When he’s not busy working on traffic safety at the Portland Office of Transportation, contributor Greg Raisman also chairs City Club’s Growth Management and Environment Committee, where they’re going to explore some of the local impacts of Measure 37, which is bound to touch on transportation. Please join the City Club of Portland’s Growth Management…
Bike Safety Leadership Workshop on Friday
This Friday, August 26, from 9-noon, there will be a Bike Safety Leadership Workshop at Southeast Uplift. There will be a Workshop in each neighborhood district coalition in the city. These meetings will be an opportunity to create a common understanding about bicycle safety issues and to initiate a bicycle safety group in each neighborhood…