A silver/gray Trek 7000 hybrid with a black Soma porteur rack on the front, it’s probably mine.
Last night someone literally ripped the door of my bike shed off of its hinges and took my main ride and a few accessories.
I’m off to buy bigger hinges now…
(Yes, I’ve listed it on the BikePortland stolen bike page and filed a report with PPB – since it’s a “break-in” an officer came out to check it out.)
6 responses to “If you should happen to see…”
Chris, I’m sorry to hear it. :-( That’s just awful. My condolences.
Yikes, that’s really brazen. Do you live in a high-crime area, or was this just totally random?
Lived here for 18 years, nothing like this before.
Sad! I”m sorry this happened to you. Burglary is terrible.
I recommend always locking a bike to a solid piece of metal with a U-lock, unless it is actually in the house or apartment where you are sleeping. Home invasions and robberies are rare, garage and shed break-ins are very common, unfortunately.
If we leave for the weekend or especially for a week long vacation, we lock all of the bikes together in the basement with U-locks.
By the same principle, nothing is safe in a car parked on the street or in a driveway. Don’t leave computers or other valuables in a car, and certainly don’t leave bikes on a car rack, unless they are u-locked together and to the rack.
Oh no! That’s terrible, Chris. Good luck.
I’ve had 3 bikes took’n from me, yall. Getover it, see? MY 1st was a fine RED BIKE, Made In Mexico, European 10-speed, sew-up racing tires, zero-to-full speed in 10 seconds. My 2nd stolen’d bye-cickle was a green Poo-szhow, Made in France (Peugeot). Made me wanna puke sayin Francie stuff, BUTT, was a good rider! The 3rd was a Bike. That was BETTER than your bike, or yours, or yours too! Your bikes were NOT NEAR AS GOOD as my 3rd BIKE what was took’n from me. I furget what kinda bike it were. Uh, I know it was a good bike. Uh, uhh, It was TAN! I remember! Tan bike. I forget how it got stolen’d. Oh well.