A Bluetooth Bike Lock

I just put up $79 for an interesting Kickstarter project that plans to create a Bluetooth-controlled bike lock.

This would be perfect for my daughter, who has a bad habit of losing her keys – of course, she also sometimes loses her phone, but since you can authorize more than one phone, there’s a simpler workaround than trying to get new keys.

My real motivation is that I love the idea of my bike unlocking by itself when I walk  up to it!

And of course, it’s also social, so you can create an informal bikesharing network with the lock.

Internet of Things meets the Sharing Economy. I expect lots more interesting things to emerge from that particular intersection.


One response to “A Bluetooth Bike Lock”

  1. Loses keys but not phone. That’s a pretty small demographic. Otherwise, I don’t see the appeal. Bluetooth, batteries, etc, are just another level of complication. I’d rather have a lock where the engineering budget was spent on security, not convenience via a system that can be hacked.

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