Month: November 2011

  • C-TRAN also considers BRT

    TriMet is not the only local transit agency considering Bus Rapid Transit. C-TRAN is also in the early analysis and planning stages of a possible BRT line. They are calling this effort the Fourth Plain Transit Improvement Project. It appears that the proposed line, while still in early stages, would roughly follow the route of…

  • Could TriMet become a “free” (or nominally-priced) service?

    There’s been discussion lately about the fare structure of Portland’s transit agencies–both the Streetcar and TriMet itself. Much focuses on the current disconnect between Streetcar pricing (currently a sweetheart deal, especially for Streetcar users who don’t use TriMet-badged services) and the rest of the system. TriMet’s fares are currently above the national average. So here’s…

  • TriMet considers Bus Rapid Transit

    The latest update of TriMet’s Transit Improvement Plan contains an interesting development: TriMet is considering Bus Rapid Transit on two corridors: • A corridor from downtown Portland to Gresham, generally following Powell Blvd from downtown to around SE 82nd or I-205 and Division St east of SE 82nd or I-205 • A corridor generally following…

  • What’s Going On with Streetcar Fares?

    There’s been a bit of buzz about Streetcar fares lately, usually framed as “Streetcar is about to drop out of Free Rail Zone.” That may happen (in fact it probably will), but I’d suggest it’s the wrong way to frame the question. The real question is “what’s an appropriate fare structure for the Streetcar Loop?”…

  • Blumenauer Chastises JPACT

    Apparently Earl doesn’t think Metro’s Joint Policy Advisory Committee has sent a clear message to the Feds on what project(s) they’d like to see win funding from the Tiger III grant process. The region submitted five projects. Earl appears to believe we should have called out one as the key priority. Interesting. Usually the region…