Let’s face it. All trips have a price – whether it’s the cost of gas, the time-value of waiting in congestion, or a transit fare.
Portland State University
Center for Transportation Studies
Fall 2011 Transportation Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Dr. Roger Chen (Portland State University)
Topic: Identifying Market Segments based on Observed Travel and Activity Patterns
Abstract: http://www.cts.pdx.edu/abstracts/rchen_abstract.phpWhen: Friday, December 2, 2011, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Where: PSU Urban Center Building, SW 6th and Mill, Room 204
Dr. Roger Chen’s research work has focused primarily on understanding and modeling the dynamics of user responses to real-time information systems and new communication technologies in transportation systems. His current research focuses on electric vehicles and their impacts on travel and activity scheduling decisions. He has worked on models of route and departure time choice, as well as activity-based models of transportation demand. He has expertise in the development, estimation and application of advanced travel demand models, including his recent work on developing choice models with randomly distributed values of time (user heterogeneity), which have been integrated with dynamic traffic assignment modeling platforms for predicting responses to congestion pricing and varying weather patterns. Dr. Chen received his PhD from the University of Maryland, College Park in Transportation Engineering, and BS and MS degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering from The University of Texas in Austin.