Portland State University
Center for Transportation Studies
Fall 2011 Transportation Seminar Series
Speaker: Andrew Dannenberg (University of Washington / Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention)
Topic: Making Healthy Places: Designing and Building for Health, Well-being, and Sustainability
When: Friday, October 7, 2011, 12:00 – 1:00pm
Where: PSU Urban Center Building, SW 6th and Mill, Room 204
11 responses to “Designing for Health (and other good stuff)”
Some people might choose a healthy career–such as one involving physical activity. Like where you can directly produce value—instead of pushing ideas. Seems to me the early Oregon pioneers did that sort of thing.
Ideas have value, too, Ron. In my industry (aerospace manufacturing), there are a lot of people capable of machining parts for us, but fewer that know how to design them, and design the manufacturing process. That is why I make more money than those that do the physical labor, even though I don’t “add value”, apparently.
If you want to go the route of the pioneers and start farming, go right ahead. I think you will find that people will only pay so much for grass seed and tomatoes.
Thanks for your anecdotal comment.
Thanks for your insulting (and incorrect) broadly sweeping generalization about the non-manual labor workforce.
Gentlemen, keep things civil.
If you want to argue the health benefits of different types of jobs, go ahead. Value judgments about which sorts of jobs are more productive, worthy, or economically valuable–particularly as a stand-in for a cultural arguments–are not welcome.
The preceding comments will stand; any further comments in this direction will be axed.
I can’t see how my original comment could be construed as offensive. Young Oregonians who care about the environment might consider making money planting trees for awhile, even if it is for the private interests. Building homes is an excellent way to produce value and is an active vocation.
The craft of masonry was so highly regarded it became a secret order. There is still a lot of work of even ancient masons still around.
This sentence: Like where you can directly produce value—instead of pushing ideas.
was unnecessary and pejorative, and it doesn’t take a genius to see how someone might take offense to it. Your post would still make the same essential point and remain on topic without that comment.
Suffice it to say that there is much value in “pushing ideas” as well as in manipulating physical things.
[Moderator: Further off-topic protestation from Ron, expanding into rant against Timothy Leary, Mexican drug wars, young people, the party scene, microbrews removed. – Bob R.]
But, isn’t that why I see “plant it portland” signs all over. (My dutiful Portland neighbor has criticized me for nor replanting my parking strip with a tree—-even though said parking strip is only a few feet wide, and the sidewalk and possibly the curb would be damaged within a decade or so, requiring CO2 producing concrete repair. But then, in fifteen years the trees planted all around the nearby school have already done the same thing.)
even though said parking strip is only a few feet wide, and the sidewalk and possibly the curb would be damaged within a decade or so
“A few feet” as in “more than three?” The City of Portland offers a list of suggested street trees for planting strips of various widths, with or without overhead lines. They provide a free permit and inspection/consultation by an arborist to make sure you choose the right tree.
[Moderator: Further off-topic protestations and accusations of Leary fandom (so what?) removed. Put up with moderator intervention or post somewhere else, Ron. It’s not the end of the world. – Bob R.]
[Moderator: And still more protestation and argument about moderator intervention removed. This isn’t the place for it, Ron. – Bob R.]