Partnerships for Pedestrian Safety

America Walks is celebrating the work of the Willamette Pedestrian Coalition in forming partnerships to promote safety, including:

  • Share the Road Safety Class is a first-offense diversion course for road users who have impeded another’s right of way
  • Eye to Eye is a campaign that has raised awareness about our shared responsibilities on the road
  • WalkSmart Classes help senior citizens and recent immigrants feel more confident, safe and engaged as walkers
  • Safe Routes to School encourages walking and cycling through education and improved infrastructure

We are lucky to have such dedicated advocates here in Portland!

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3 responses to “Partnerships for Pedestrian Safety”

  1. Ron, I agree, but even just getting people to wear light-colored jackets or pants could help too. I almost hit a guy who walked out from between parked cars last year dressed in all black. I never saw him until he was close enough I was barely able to avoid him.

  2. In keeping with the theme of visibility, it would be nice if the laws regarding tinting of front windows were more routinely enforced, so that pedestrians and other motorists who bother trying to make eye contact with drivers can actually do so.

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