Public Hearing on Bicycle Master Plan on Tuesday

From the Master Plan team at PBOT:

The Portland Planning Commission will take public testimony regarding the draft Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030 at a hearing on Tuesday, October 27, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. The hearing will be held in Room 2500A at 1900 SW 4th Avenue in Portland. Members of the public may sign up to testify for three minutes at the hearing by filling out a testimony card. Written testimony can be submitted to the address below, whether or not you plan to testify in person:

Planning Commission
c/o Bureau of Planning
1900 SW 4th Ave., Suite 7100
Portland, OR 97201-5380

Fax: 503-823-7800
The public comment draft of the Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030 is available for download online at

(If anyone visited the site and had trouble with large file sizes, please check the site again as we’ve been able to reduce some file sizes and provide more options for downloading portions of the plan.)

If you received a print copy of the plan or downloaded the plan documents before October 19, please be aware that we have corrected two substantive errors that made it past our proofreaders! Corrected pages 53 and A-34 can be downloaded from the errata page linked to the above URL.

We will be accepting public comments on the plan through November 8. You may submit comments by e-mail to, or in writing to the address below. We also have now added an online comment form for your convenience. You will find a link to the form on the download page.

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