A New Hat

Planning Commissioner.

I’m going to have to figure out how that’s going to affect my blogging.

21 responses to “A New Hat”

  1. Well, Mayor Adams didn’t let a political career keep him from blogging (and being at least somewhat more frank than most pols). Of course, that was before the current scandal hit…

  2. You might irritate your colleagues, but I would love to hear your thought process after major hearings or decisions. You would definitely be able to provide more or at least more interesting information than the Oregonian is likely to cover, since they’re always looking for the controversy angle…

  3. Congratulation!

    You may need to be careful when the blogging interacts with any quasi-judicial decisions that might be coming your way. Disclosure of any ex-parte contacts and relevant bias is always a good idea. Discuss with your local city attorney.

  4. Congrats Chris! Did you know Ernie Bonner? Chief Planner in the 70’s and then a Planning Commissioner in the 90’s. He died a few years ago…a great loss as he had a long term perspective, a reflective style and a very sharp mind. His papers should be at PSU…contact Ethan Selzer there; he was also a Planning Commissioner. We need to fill Ernie’s shoes in this town…now you’re the man!

  5. Once again it appears as if Sam is stacking the deck in favor of his own one-sided agenda. In saying that, I am attempting to walk the thin line between not speaking out against Chris while also congratulating him as an individual for his appointment, but at the same time, suggesting he leave his less than impartial opinions at the door and become more objective when participating on the commission. It is rather obvious that with the exception of a few people like myself and JK, postings on this blog are extremely slanted. Any member of the planning commission needs to be impartial, detached from any project under consideration and not there just to put forward preconceived scheme or program.

    In that I delivered testimony speaking before the Planning Commission about a week ago, I also stayed and listened to discussion that followed the public testimony. With the possible exception of one member that actually questioned leaving out some of the alternatives proposed, it seemed as if most members were already bias in their dialogue. Planning Commission members need to represent all sides of the discussion, not just one predetermined agenda.

    Additionally, citizens serving on commissions and committees are appointed, not elected by the populous Therefore, for greater public involvement, participation and diversity from the public; and to avoid rounding up the usual subjects that serve on every other committee in town, it is my belief that citizens should be limited to serving on only one city, county and/or Metro citizen committee. So I ask Chris, will you be resigning from the other citizen committees you serve on and let some new blood in?

  6. Gotta love it–the “I’m neutral and objective, whereas everyone else who disagrees with me is biased” argument, in all its naked glory.

  7. Congratulations, Chris! And “impartial” means “doesn’t stand to benefit in a direct financial way,” not, “Has no opinions.” If we kept anyone with opinions from civil service, no one would want to serve. When developing a passion, you inevitably develop opinions.

    Good luck!

  8. Lenny, I did not know Ernie personally, but did see him in action on the Planning Commission. He’s an inspiration.

    Terry, I will be stepping down from my role as Chair of the Streetcar Citizens Advisory Committee.

    My other significant role right now is on the Bicycle Master Plan steering committee, and since that’s winding down, I expect to finish out that assignment. When that plan comes before Planning Commission, I will certainly disclose my role.

  9. al m says:
    Pork at home is better than throwing it away overseas.

    Y’gotta point…but then Al Qaeda and the Taliban don’t usually text message our US congressional delegations…..

  10. Terry Parker said:

    “It is rather obvious that with the exception of a few people like myself and JK, postings on this blog are extremely slanted.”

    WHAT? It is rather obvious to me that you and JK seem to be infatuated with the single-occupancy automobile, and would like to pave the whole place over. This is the opposite side of the coin from all of the rail ‘advocates’ who are really ‘railfans’ trying to put their hobby in the streets.

    As they say, “a plague on both of your houses?”

  11. Terry Parker said: “It is rather obvious that with the exception of a few people like myself and JK, postings on this blog are extremely slanted.”

    Comedy gold, Terry. Your posts are not only slanted but so predictable that just about anyone here could write them for you.

  12. Y’gotta point…but then Al Qaeda and the Taliban don’t usually text message our US congressional delegations…..

    LOL!LOL! I got to meet you sometime!

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