Video: Streetcar Unveililng, with Interviews

Video of yesterday’s streetcar unveiling, with short interviews with Rep. DeFazio and Rep. Blumenauer. In particular, I asked both representatives about funding opportunities for improving transit access in existing corridors which are not slated for streetcar or light rail projects.

4 responses to “Video: Streetcar Unveililng, with Interviews”

  1. Don’t get too carried away with making promises, Pete. You do have constituents in your district that will never ride a Portland streetcar.

  2. Good video’s Bob, but I find this whole thing BIZARRE!

    Here we have OREGON,basically PORTLAND, the 2nd WORST unemployment in the COUNTRY and these idiots are celebrating!


    Life gone mad!

  3. If it were like a Fellini production, whenever a train is onscreen it would be shown entering a tunnel. Granted, the only tunnel on the line, where the train crosses under I-205 just north of Division, probably lacks the requisite cinematic grandeur…

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