Updated: Visit A Climate Action Plan Town Hall

Updated: 6/26/09

An additional town hall has been added:

Saturday, July 11 / 2:00-4:00 pm
David Douglas High School
1001 SE 135th

Original Post: 6/2/09

Climate Action Plan Town Halls

Join the conversation.



The City of Portland and Multnomah
have drafted a new
action plan to lead our community forward in the charge against global warming.
The draft 2009
Climate Action Plan
is a strategy to decrease local carbon emissions 80
percent by 2050.  


The plan identifies
high-level goals and specific actions to be
accomplished in the next three years
to accelerate local efforts
to address this issue. 


Everything from high-level policy changes and expanded bicycle
master plans to on-the-ground, every day practices like insulating our homes,
walking to the grocery store and eating less red meat can mean a healthier
planet, and healthier families, if we all pitch in.


Join your
friends and neighbors to discuss the Climate Action Plan at one of the neighborhood
Town Halls listed below.   We need your help to shape this


Town Hall Schedule:

Downtown –
business focused

June 15 / 5:30-7:30pm



NW 6th Ave



June 20 / 1:00-3:00pm


Mt. Scott Community Center

SE 72nd Ave



June 22 / 6:30-8:30pm


Fulton Park Community Center

SW Miles Street



June 25  / 6:30-8:30pm


Dishman Community Center

77 NE Knott


June 29 / 6:30-8:30pm


Lincoln HS Cafeteria

SW Salmon St


July 7 / 6:30-8:30pm


Community Center

N Foss Ave

30 responses to “Updated: Visit A Climate Action Plan Town Hall”

  1. I don’t know what happened, but after this entry was posted, the sidebar appears to have vanished.

  2. “Everything from high-level policy changes and expanded bicycle master plans to on-the-ground, every day practices like insulating our homes, walking to the grocery store and eating less red meat can mean a healthier planet, and healthier families, if we all pitch in.”

    Yeah, I do wish those Portlanders who live in those big, drafty house in the Heights or Northeast would conserve more on energy costs. It makes us all look bad, even if they do vote Democratic. I don’t like to eat much red meat, but I do like milk. How do we get dairy cows to stop belching methane into the atmosphere? I know we are not as bad here as Wisconsin for example, but Tillamook County has got to be methane central in this state, at least.

    Last but not least, please start buying American or we may have to close all the ocean shipping facilities. Did you see this report?

    “REPORT: Pollution from 15 of world’s biggest ships equal that of world’s 760m cars

    Says James Corbett, professor of marine policy at the University of Delaware: “Ship pollution affects the health of communities in coastal and inland regions around the world, yet pollution from ships remains one of the least regulated parts of our global transportation system.” It sounds serious, but how bad could it be? Staggeringly, if a report by the UK’s Guardian newspaper is to be believed. According to their story, just one of the world’s largest container ships can emit about as much pollution as 50 million cars. Further, the 15 largest ships in the world emit as much nitrogen oxide and sulphur oxide as the world’s 760 million cars.

    The problem isn’t necessarily with the ships’ 109,000-horsepower engines that endlessly spin away 24 hours a day, 280 days a year. In fact, these powerplants are some of the most fuel efficient units in the world. The real issue lies with the heavy fuel oil the ships run on and the almost complete lack of regulations applied to the giant exhaust stacks of these container ships.”

  3. With Sam signing off on the 12 lane CRC, I just can’t get too excited about all this talk. I want to see the City “walk the talk” first.

  4. Did you read the report Lenny? We’re going to cancel the GHG created by the CRC by all becoming vegetarians.

  5. Hey guys!!

    Quit feeling guilty about CO2, its all a big hoax designed to make Al Gore & his Wall Street buddies rich. Plus a venture capital firm that Al joined. And the carbon offset trading that his green mutual fund does.

    Locally we have the head of Oregon’s global warming commission selling carbon offsets.

    And it is quite likely that we have seen the end of warming for the next few decades.

    See DebunkingClimate.com


  6. With Sam signing off on the 12 lane CRC,

    Well, that would be one of those “high level policy changes” they mentioned — get the City, County and Metro unified behind a smarter bridge. Decrease carbon emissions and save a huge pile of money in the process.

    How do we get dairy cows to stop belching methane into the atmosphere?

    Feed them fish oil. Okay, maybe that won’t “stop” it, but every little bit helps.

  7. This is not an existence-of-global-warming debate blog.

    For a good science blog about climate change, visit http://www.realclimate.org, and interesting policy discussions can be found at http://www.climateprogress.org/.

    Please take existence-of-global warming debates (or “intelligent design” debates, etc.) to other blogs set up to handle arguments outside the mainstream of science.

  8. [Moderator: Debate over moderator action removed. This is not a global-warming-existence debate blog. Similarly, blogs posting about public policy during WWII are not necessarily home for holocaust-revision arguments.]

  9. [Moderator: Debate over moderator action removed. This is not a global-warming-existence debate blog. Similarly, blogs posting about public policy regarding the teaching of biology aren’t necessarily evolution-vs.-intelligent-design blogs.]

  10. Overall, the City of Portland and Multnomah County Draft Climate Action Plan is a massive social engineering document whereby local government is endeavoring to dictate the lifestyle, housing and transportation choices of the people. Adopting the plan as proposed throws out the democracy this country was founded on and turns Portland and Multnomah County into a socialist state where elected officials become totalitarian dictators utilizing fear to control life’s day to day activities. The plan also places handcuffs on the economy by only promoting specific types of jobs while ignoring how existing jobs will be eliminated. The biggest threat to the environment and sustainability is the over population of the human race. Yet the action plan aims to accommodate an increase in population growth rather than discouraging it. Implementing such a document will turn Pioneer Square into the likes of Tiananmen Square, eventually with an up rising and people standing their ground against the government and the consequences of socialism.

  11. “where elected officials become totalitarian dictators”

    “turn Pioneer Square into the likes of Tiananmen Square”

    “eventually with an up rising”

    Terry, drop the hyperbole. You’re not even within two orders of magnitude near reality here.

    Your one comment will stand, lest you cry totalitarian censorship, but no more junk beyond this point.

  12. [Moderator: Thorough and lengthy disagreement with moderator action removed. If you can’t see why your comments were hyperbole, I can’t help you. This is not your forum, you are free to post comments on your own web site. Moderator discretion utilized on this web site is NOT “stifling” of your viewpoint.]

  13. Bob R.:[Moderator: Debate over moderator action removed.
    JK: How perfectly progressive of you – shutting down dissent.


    [Moderator: Your own numerous web sites allow no dissent whatsoever. This is not your forum, JK, this is a moderated web site and you’ve more than had your turn. Your original missive was allowed to stand, but that’s apparently not good enough for you.]

  14. [Moderator: Additional JK comment removed. JK, this is not your forum (scroll up, or look up any of the dozens of other times you’ve been told this). This is a moderated discussion, and you don’t get to dominate a particular thread just because you disagree with assumptions made by this blog regarding a particular topic. Deal with it.]

  15. Is this on topic enough for you:

    [Moderator: No. Off-topic distraction about various European election results removed.]

  16. [Moderator: Reiterated off-topic distraction removed, again.]

    BTW, Bob, your contempt for free speech is really showing.

    [Moderator: JK, your contempt for this forum has been obvious for years. Live with the actions taken here, or go somewhere else. Nobody is forcing you to comment here. “Free speech” has nothing to do with it. As mentioned before, you don’t even allow comments on your many web sites.]

  17. I expect this response to be deleted as off-topic, as it should be

    [Moderator. Correct. :-) ]

  18. [Moderator: Debate-over-global-warming-existance web sites and alternate links removed. This is not a debate-of-existence-of-global-warming blog.]

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