Transit and Intelligent Transportation Systems

Portland State University
Center for Transportation Studies
Winter 2009 Transportation Seminar Series

Speaker: David Crout, Analyst, Trimet

Topic: ITS at Trimet: Improving Service & Saving Money

When: Friday, March 6, 2009, 12:00 – 1:00pm

Where: PSU Urban Center Building, SW 6th and Mill, Room 204

4 responses to “Transit and Intelligent Transportation Systems”

  1. This ought to be interesting. Thanks for the reminder; I’ve put it on my calendar.

    Overall, I do think that, from recording every passenger boarding to providing real-time arrivals for every stop, TriMet has done some amazing things technology-wise.

    But one minor nit: PSU should know that its TriMet and not Trimet.

    Lastly, on a related note, I’ve used some of TriMet’s data to make a chart of MAX ridership between each station.

  2. Thanks for sharing the graph Jason. It shows nicely in a way why we need a convention center hotel. Maybe we build something at 20 stories now that can expand to 35?

    Or build one tower now, and see what the demand is. If it’s sufficient we can do a second tower to meet demand.

    We’ve got the transit, we’ve got the airport, we’ve got the awesome convention center. Let’s go nuts and make it worth booking a convention at.

    As for the article, I can’t make it. I work a 9-5 type job in Vancouver. I’d love to see Vancouver do more to link into the PDX transit network. It looks like they’re trying, between the Mill Plain (Denny’s) development, and the Carr dealership on C St getting underway.

    Oh, and yes, I live in NW PDX. I like my job and I like where I live. I do the reverse CRC drive. Usually in my 40 mpg Civic, there’s no usable transit for the reverse trip.

  3. You can always watch the presentation online–PSU is nice enough to archive them.

    I try to catch up when I can. I could probably get a degree in urban planning from who I’ve worked with and studied under in Buffalo, San Diego and Portland to advocate for reasonable alternatives.

    (Mixing existing and new modes, for example. I love driving, but I also love streetcars. Let’s build for both! Of course, if I get my car back I get 40 mpg or so.)

    I love the San Diego bus-now, trains-later concept. Prove your route’s value. I know it’s a mellow attempt at what Erik asks for, but are buses so bad? I like having them around, for example.

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