Month: January 2009

  • Regional Priorities

    On Thursday, JPACT will review regional priorities for the next transportation reauthorization, the once-every-six-years setting of Federal transportation policy. I’ve extracted the draft policy document (PDF, 362K) from the meeting packet. While I’m sure our approach will be much more progressive that most other regions, there is still room for improvement. Here are a few…

  • Transit Spectrum

    There’s an interesting post on Intermodality that places the idea of ‘Rapid Streetcar’ on a spectrum from buses up through Light Rail.

  • What Next?

    The region has been gradually building out our high capacity transit (HCT) system based on a plan that is now about a quarter century old, and much of that vision has been fulfilled. So what happens now? Metro and TriMet have undertaken a new High Capacity Transit system plan effort, and I’ve been involved peripherally…

  • Coming Up on the KBOO Bike Show: On-Air Bike Party

    Dear Friends in Cycling, Wow! What a banner year for cycling! The KBOO Bike Show is inviting you to come celebrate LIVE on the air with us at our New Year’s Open House. Blind Pilot, a Portland-based rock band that tours by bike, will perform live in the studios. We’re inviting people on the air…