I’ve been attending the joint MPAC/JPACT workshops on the Regional Transportation Plan. As part of the process they use keypad polling to determine support for various strategies. The responses are tallied in several groups: Policy Makers (elected officials and appointed committee members), staff, and others (mostly advocacy groups and a few citizens).
There’s an interesting split among the groups on ranking transportation strategies, which were scored on a five point scale:
Policy Makers:
- High Capacity Transit (4.60)
- Intelligent Transportation Systems (4.40)
- Transit Service (4.32)
Government Staff:
- Bike, pedestrians and trail (4.56)
- Land use strategies (4.52)
- Transit Service (4.44)
- Bike, pedestrians and trail (4.66)
- Land use strategies (4.43)
- Intelligent Transportation Systems (4.46)
So why the attraction by the policy makers to the pricey strategy? And the lower priority (to be fair, it came in fourth) for the lower-cost bike and ped strategies?