When the Oil Runs Out…

Portland State University
Center for Transportation Studies
Fall 2008 Transportation Seminar Series

Speaker: David L. Goodstein, Professor of Physics and Applied Physics, California Institute of Technology

Topic: Out of Gas: The End of the Age of Oil

Flier with abstract: http://www.cts.pdx.edu/Goodstein%20Flyer.pdf

Speaker sponsored by the Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium Visiting Scholarship Program

When: Friday, November 14, 2008, 12:00 – 1:00p.m.

Where: PSU Urban Center Building, SW 6th and Mill, Room 204

3 responses to “When the Oil Runs Out…”

  1. Oil has been running out for the last 100 years.

    Never seems to happen. Just like the preacher’s prediction of the end of the world. (Amazing how Portland’s progressives keep getting suckered by preachers.)

  2. Billy, do you know Jim Karlock?

    I hope I am still alive to witness the end of the gas combustion engine.

    What a marvelous treat that would be!

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