Where Do People Bicycle? The Role of Infrastructure

Portland State University
Center for Transportation Studies
Spring 2008 Transportation Seminar Series

Speaker: Jennifer Dill, Portland State University

Topic: Where Do People Bicycle? The Role of Infrastructure in Determining Bicycling Behavior

This seminar will present results from the BikeGPS study that collected data from Portland area bicyclists using GPS technology. The study collected data from over 150 cyclists for seven days each during 2007, resulting in detailed information for over 1,500 bicycle trips throughout the urban area. The GPS data provides detailed information on the amount, location, and speed of bicycle travel and allows us to answer questions about route choice. For example, how much to people ride on roads with bike lanes, on bike boulevards, or paths? Do these patterns vary by gender, age, or other factors?

When: Friday, May 16, 2008, 12:00-1:30pm

Where: PSU Urban Center Building, SW 6th and Mill, Room 204

0 responses to “Where Do People Bicycle? The Role of Infrastructure”

  1. I mostly ride on the streets, and in parks. I don’t really know the bike routes, and I don’t commute on a bike. It’s just for fun, so I don’t know I really care either.

  2. ••• Warning! The following comment may be inflammatory for people that can’t think critically. •••

    I bike in the bike lane, and follow the rules of the road when I commute by bike to work. That means hand signals for turns, obeying stop signs and traffic signals, and yielding right of way to the proper people.

    Now only if everyone that is riding a bike in Portland would do that.

  3. MachineShedFred,

    River City Bicycles ran a very interesting ad in this week’s Willamette Week.

    Let’s just say I cut the ad out and it’s on my desk at work. I think you’ll be equally impressed with it as well.

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