Month: April 2008

  • Two Editorials

    Regular Portland Transport commenter Erik Halstead had a guest editorial published in the Portland Tribune a couple of weeks ago, regarding the state of TriMet’s bus fleet: Today, TriMet’s Fred Hansen responded: Check out the original editorials, and share your comments (there or here).

  • Toyota Prius to go Non-Hybrid

    The always-reliable has this hot automotive scoop today: Toyota announces non-hybrid Prius V6 From the article: “Our research shows that many people buy a Prius because they want to project the image of being environmentally friendly,” says a Toyota spokesperson. “The Prius V6 bestows the same ‘green chic’ while delivering the performance and acceleration…

  • Travel Time Estimation

    First seminar of the Spring 2008 Transportation Seminar Series, and the 200th seminar in the series! Portland State University Center for Transportation Studies Spring 2008 Transportation Seminar Series Speaker: Robert L. Bertini, Portland State University Topic: Travel Time Estimation for Traffic Management and Traveler Information When: Friday, April 4, 2008, 12:00-1:30pm Where: PSU Urban Center…