Featured Class Project 2007

Each year we feature one presentation from the PSU/PDOT Traffic and Transportation class.

This year our featured presentation is from Cora Potter, who is seeking to take an existing cul-de-sac and turn it into a gateway from the new Green Line Light Rail to the local neighborhood (PDF, 412K).

This idea integrates transit, trail and local street grid connections, and targets land uses that complement the station area and the existing neighborhood.

Let’s hope it gets implemented!

2 responses to “Featured Class Project 2007”

  1. Congratulations, Cora, for coming up with such a great project! I agree, this little cul-de-sac is a bit of an eyesore right now, even though it has served as a useful access point to the I-205 bike path for many years.

    This proposal, however, would drastically change the character of the street, definitely for the better.

    I wonder if the elimination of all on-street parking is necessary, however, given the existing R-O-W width? Or, is there a way to keep on-street parking in the median (between the planter strips), or on one side of the street, or even on both sides of the street?

    I just know that existing residents like their on-street parking, and if you can find a way to accommodate it in the design proposal, I think you’ll find much more unanimous support for this concept among the neighbors.

    Off-street shared parking could work, sure, but at what cost? Would this take away space that might otherwise be used for transit-oriented development, given the close proximity to the station?

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