That’s Pay-As-You-Drive auto insurance.
Here’s a request from the Oregon Environmental Council:
MileMeter (, a startup company that plans to offer pay-as-you-drive insurance, is one of 7 finalists (out of 900+ companies) in a national investment competition sponsored by Amazon. You can view a video of MileMeter and vote for which startup business will receive an investment from Amazon at Voting ends at midnight this Wednesday, the 5th of December.
Learn more about pay-as-you-drive insurance at
This is a huge chance to jumpstart PAYD insurance in the U.S. Please join me in casting a vote at
5 responses to “Vote for PAYD”
Thank you very much for the coverage and encouragement of MileMeter. We need all the help we can get. The polls close at midnight tonight, so please help us rally the vote!
With success in this vote, we hope to deliver auto insurance that restores power to the consumer, can reduce vehicle emissions, lower traffic congestion, encourage the use of mass transit, and ultimately save lives by reducing the number of miles (and thus accidents) driven by vehicles.
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the Oregon Environmental Council and the National Organization for Women for their generous support.
Any and all help is very appreciated.
Chris (the guy in the video)
That, I would jump at in a heartbeat!!!
All 9000 miles of mine over the last 3 years I’m sure would cost me a ton less than through traditional means. At my current payment rates I’m covering myself plus the next dozen wrecks.
…it sucks. In addition to that, I have to have track insurance. Sometimes, I hate being an outlier statistic. I get lots of benifits, but also get screwed the hardest.
its the perfect product for me as well. just signed up to be on the mailing list.
i use my car a handful of times a week, but i LOVE road trips, so its pretty normal for me to do something like 8k a year, with 1/2 that mileage clocked over a month.
If we’re also paying a per mile road user tax, and a per mile insurance charge… why not roll that into one, and either mandate insurance companies collects RUFs or the state offer per-mile auto insurance.
And it looks like they won.
Now if they can just get pay as you drive registration and depreciate as you drive cars…