Easier-to-find Parking will Reduce Congestion?

We’ll see. Just in time for the holiday shopping season, an electronic system will relay information about parking availability in three downtown Smart Park garages to a sign at the foot of the Morrison Bridge.

Details in the Daily Journal of Commerce.

4 responses to “Easier-to-find Parking will Reduce Congestion?”

  1. In the article:
    …reaction to a city study in which 38 percent of surveyed Portlanders cited parking as their main impediment to driving downtown…
    Why do they have to drive to shopping destinations in downtown? I’ve bought plenty of things downtown while riding transit.

  2. Do the smart park garages ever fill up? My feeling about parking problems in downtown have to do with finding parking on 23rd, or otherwise looking for [mostly] curb parking near my destination, and not about the smart park garages.

    But yeah, why would you drive to downtown?

  3. Until I lived downtown I stopped going downtown. It was a pain in the a** to park, to drive, and to deal with. Now that transit is convenient, I’m there [in downtown] a lot, but driving, no.

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