Corridors versus Centers

When’s the last time you went to an Urban Planning smackdown? From Metro’s planning newsletter:

The 2040 Match of the Century: Corridors versus Centers

7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 26
Council chamber
Metro Regional Center
600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland

Get a ringside seat for a lively debate of different strategies for implementing the 2040 growth concept, our region s plan for the future – featuring heavy-weight professors Patrick ( Corridors ) Condon, University of British Columbia, and Gordon ( Centers ) Price, Simon Fraser University and refereed by Metro Councilor Robert Liberty.

Condon, professor of landscape architecture at UBC, favors low and mid-rise development along transit corridors three and four story mixtures of housing, stores, restaurants, professional services and offices. Price, director of the City Program at SFU and former Vancouver BC city councilor, is a strong supporter of the strategy emphasizing growth in high-energy, high-density centers.

Both contenders are internationally recognized experts in their fields and extremely familiar with the Portland metropolitan region. Both approaches are consistent with our region s 2040 plan for growth. Will either strategy be victorious or will it be a draw? Can both sides win? You be the judge.

We’ll provide the popcorn.

This event is free and no reservations are required. For more information, check Metro’s online calendar at

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