Maintaining Portland’s Streets: Wrapping Up (for now)

We’ll round out our series this week with two references to info on

First, there are survey results up from the folks who attended Sam’s neighborhood coalition meetings. A couple of headlines:

  • Attendees would rather fund a solution to the whole backlog than a partial solution.
  • Top three preferred funding methods in order: Gas Tax, Carbon (Guzzler) Tax, and Street Maintenance Fee (with a parking space fee finishing just out of the money).

Next up, another round of neighborhood meetings in September is now on the calendar (literally, on our calendar):


Central Northeast
September 10th
Firehouse #12
4415 NE 87th Ave.

September 17th
Multnomah Center
7688 SW Capitol Hwy

September 18th
Friendly House (Keystone Room)
1737 NW 26th Ave.

East Portland
September 20th
East Precinct (Community Room)
737 SE 106th Ave

September 24th
St. Philip Neri – Calvin Hall
2408 SE 16th Avenue

Northeast Portland
September 25th
Kind Neighborhood Facility
4815 NE 7th Ave

North Portland
September 27th
Kenton Firehouse
8105 N Brandon Ave.

For special accommodations, please contact Jamie Waltz at (503) 823-7101.

2 responses to “Maintaining Portland’s Streets: Wrapping Up (for now)”

  1. Nobody seems to have said this, so I wil. As much as Sam Adams sometimes grates on my nerves, I have to say that I really respect him pushing a very challenging topic. He is being very upfront and listening well. To be honest, it’s hard to see a political win for him from doing this- and for that, for doing the right thing, instead of the easy thing, he probably deserves our thanks.

  2. I am not sure just how these various projects should be prioritized, but the fact that a number of new fees are being proposed shows that the sum total is very expensive. I attended one of the first meetings in Multnomah village; there seemed to be quite a lot of concern that the economical route was not being explored to solve the problems. Rather, various guesses and unofficial in-office estimates were producing a rather high cost estimate.

    I haven’t had the time to analyze all that Mr. Adams is now proposing–and venture into this comment with due wariness and add a “potential bs disclaimer”, too– but Adams now seems to be in the process of selling that estimate to the public, instead of looking for a way to restrain costs and cancel unneeded or unwanted projects.

    My question: If this portends what will happen in other urban improvement projects and the ultimate solution is to find new fees to charge to the residents —- who will be able to afford to live here? We wil turn into a city of corporate climbers and those in their retinue since they will be the only ones with incomes high enough to pay all the new taxes, fees and charges.

    I know I have oversimplified the argument but
    doesn’t pandering to corporate climbimg work against the liberal mandate to restrain corporate abuses and privileges?

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