Making Transportation Concurrency More Multimodal

Portland State University
Center for Transportation Studies
Spring 2007 Transportation Seminar Series

Speaker: Ruth Steiner, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Florida
Topic: Making Transportation Concurrency More Multimodal: Lessons from Washington and Florida
When: Friday, April 13, 2007, 12:00-1:30 pm
Where: 204 Urban Center

5 responses to “Making Transportation Concurrency More Multimodal”

  1. I expect its really about the requirements in Washington and Florida that local jurisdictions provide transportation concurrent – that is at the same time – with approving new development. Those requirements often are treated as if they apply only to roads rather than other modes. But people should tune in and find out.

  2. Most every right binded person understands that with this world that we live in that we must take care of the environment. We must reduce conditions that result in greater stress on the environment and the world that we live on.

    We do not need to be moved by junk science or theories, we need to make decisions on facts and real proven results.

    Making Transportation Concurrency More Multi-Mode opens the door to junk science and more efforts to create new un-proven transportation investment into infrastructure that does not have present value payoff.

    An example is what has been happening with how Light Rail has been pushed as the solution that will solve all of the problems of congestion in the I-5 corridor between Portland and Vancouver.

    It will help and reduce the percentage of growth in congestion in the I-5 corridor but it does not solve the problem. It does not solve the problem of bad air that is currently killing people. It will get worse and worse and worse until we create alternatives that have a greater net effect on reducing the number of vehicles in the I-5 corridor.

    Light Rail Transit (LRT) can only be expected to remove approximately 2% of the existing vehicles out of the I-5 corridor. But because of better quality of life considerations for families found in Clark County Washington the problem is not going to go away.

    This is brought by Oregon not addressing quality of life needs of most young families. These young families want what is not offered in high density urban housing. They also want good and sable schools and programs for their kids. We in Oregon only have pockets where we cant compete with SW Washington/Clark County to provide this.

    Clark County Washington residents who work in Oregon are paying a lot of Oregon Income TAX, and getting very little to show for it.

    Clark County Washington residents are said to be the third highest paying county, paying Oregon income TAX with only Multhnomah and Washington County residents paying more Oregon Income TAX.

    Multi-mode Concurrency will not solve the I-5 corridor problems. We need less artifical solutions wrapped in concurrency and more efforts that hit nails on the head. To many people will die before long-term benefits become, I told you so results.

    Lets stay with balance, with investments that provide reasonable percentage going to long-term solutions but with the majority going to solving todays problems that eliminate congestion in balance approach. We need a transportation system that is good for the environment and keeps the 90% of the people who rely on their cars from making the problems even worse.

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