Agreeing with ODOT

ODOT Region 1 director Jason Tell (mislabled James Tell in the print edition) has an opinion piece in Friday’s Trib bemoaning the state of transportation funding here in Oregon.

While I don’t always agree with ODOT about modernization (i.e., new capacity) projects (hightlighed in an article in the same issue: “Caution: bump in road“), Jason nails it that our system of funding transpotation here in Oregon is broken. We can’t even maintain the system we have. The legislature, and the people who elect them, need to step up to reality.

3 responses to “Agreeing with ODOT”

  1. We can’t even maintain the system we have. The legislature, and the people who elect them, need to step up to reality.

    I see no evidence that new funding will be used to maintain the current system. It will get spent on shiny new projects instead.

  2. One of the biggest problems is that motorist paid transportation funds continue to be siphoned off to pay for other modes of transport such as bicycle infrastructure, transit and aesthetics. A stool with only one leg has problems staying upright. Just more proof bicyclists should be directly taxed to pay for bicycle infrastructure and transit fares must better reflect the costs of providing the service

  3. ,on shiny new projects, like 205 light rail, Transit Mall, Washington County commuter rail, streetcar extensions, light rail extension, TODs, etc. because “studies” 20 years ago showed they are “alternatives”, to sanity.
    Ross, really man where do you live?

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