Having just reflected on Metro’s Legislative Priorities, we now look at the City of Portland package (a much longer document). Here is the section on transportation funding:
- includes a five-year gasoline tax increase to fund a set of specific local government transportation improvements related to system safety, maintenance, preservation, operations, and congestion;
- includes the indexing of transportation revenue to counteract the effects of inflation and improvements in vehicle mileage;
- encourages the coordination of land use and transportation planning between jurisdictions to realize efficiencies in transportation systems and to maintain livable communities;
- supports existing constitutional restriction on the use of state Highway Fund;
- supports the expansion or development of funding mechanisms to fund transit (including access to transit) and other high priority needs.
The longer policy section on transportation has a number of interesting ideas (not a complete list):
- Greater local control of speed limits
- Explore the feasibility of a regional bridge authority
- Clearing non-injury actions faster to reduce congestion
- Surcharge on traffic tickets to help fund safety programs
- Support for Light Rail, Streetcar, and transit services for the Eldery and Disabled
- Improvements for Union Station
Looks like reasonably good alignment between Portland and the larger region.
One response to “And Then the City Says…”
I like the concept of a Regional Bridge Authority, as long as it came with tolling authority. If the RBA could toll some bridges, it could use the tolling revenue to pay for upgrades and ongoing maintenance on all of them.
For example: add electronic tolling to the Steel Bridge, Burnside Bridge, and Hawthorne Bridge. Leave free passage on the Broadway, Morrison and Ross Island Bridges. Anybody who really, really, really doesn’t want to pay a toll can drive a few blocks out of their way to avoid it.
Bridges like St. Johns and Sellwood, which offer no easy detours, probably should be subject to peak-hour tolling only.