Our Event is On!

We have a venue. The first ever Portland Transport face-to-face gathering will happen at 6pm on Thursday, December 14th at Wynne’s, at 20th and SE Division. (That’s 2002 SE Division, 97202 for those of you who want to plug in to Google Maps).

We’ll have a private room and no-host access to the menu and bar. The CRC folks are confirmed and after their session we’ll discuss the Portland Transport community (I’ll have the survey results by then) and socialize.

See you all next week! First round is on me.

5 responses to “Our Event is On!”

  1. First round is on me.

    Cool. But I should let you know I’ve invited the ridership of the #14 to the party…

    Just kidding. But you might let your readers know if you want RSVPs or not.

  2. Regarding RSVPs. The size of the room is fixed and the food and beverages are no-host after the first round. I’m assuming enough of you will show up not to embarrass me, so I don’t think RSVPs are necessary.

    P.S. Frank gets credit for suggesting Wynne’s as the venue!

  3. The beer is good and strong in Portland, so whoever makes it, I’ve got round two! :)

    But if the entire #14 ridership comes I’m broke. That’s a mess load of people! What’d that cost, $30-40,000 dollars for a round at 3-4 bucks a beer?! Weehoo!

    I’m going to scope out Wynne’s now… Is that the #4 on Division? Off to the trimet site first I guess.

  4. Is that the #4 on Division?
    It also looks like that’s very close to New Seasons, and 10-Harold runs practically right in front of it as well, on 21st and Ladd Ave. I’m sure if I was standing right around that area I’d see it, just can’t place it at the moment. Judging by the address, I’d guess South side of the street.

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