What: Press event for Pedestrian Crosswalk Enforcement Action
Where: Mid-Block crossing in front of Elm Ct. YWCA, 1111 SW 10th Ave.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
9:30 – 10:00 a.m. press event
10:00 – 11:30 a.m. pedestrian crosswalk enforcement action
Dakota InyoSwan
Senior Community Outreach and Information Representative
Portland Office of Transportation
1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 800
Portland, Oregon 97204 Desk Phone: (503) 823-5552
2 responses to “Upcoming Crosswalk Enforcement Action”
I wonder when the city will show the courage to do a crosswalk enforcement of the crosswalks around 26th and Powell which connect an elementary school and a park.
Could they do it at 26th & Powell? After all, Powell is state-owned as US 26, which is one of the reasons for the problem–ODOT’s focus is thru traffic.